UMasked Kit Design - Competition
The pandemic (COVID-19) has altered our everyday lives substantially, and provided uncertainty both short term and long term for many neighbouring and healthcare communities throughout the GTA and Canada. The phenomenon has created shortages of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). This relief-design competition welcomes students to produce a design that can improve the lives of people within Canada and help to flatten the curve and the spread of the virus. This competition challenges students to design feasible kits where appropriate crafting tools, materials, and non-medical masks can be stored to easily distribute to the community.
Kits need to be easily assembled and fabricated by community members and volunteers. The winning kit design will be distributed to community members and registered participants for personal use or to be delivered to partnered healthcare centres and small organizations.
Through the competition, participants will delve into product development and manufacturing that is important to the design field. Participants will have the opportunity to get featured on our Instagram (@fbdryerson) and website with the following hashtag #UMasked2021.
Location: Virtual
Status: Ongoing
Project Managers:
Jayda Brown
Design Team:
TBD (the winning proposal!)
package content
The materiality and fabrication of the box is a part of a larger total which includes the print of documents and mask materials
The maximum budget of everything in one package will amount to CAD$10 (this includes: box materiality + fabrication, mask making content, and delivery)
Innovative design of packaging
Easy to assemble and deliver
Sustainably fabricated
Can be reused
Budget friendly
targeted budget
For all boxes:
Fabric swatches (size: TBD)
Antimicrobial coating
Ear savers (optional)
Vinyl (optional)
Pins (i.e. alligator clips/binder clips)
Small ruler/straight edge (for folding)
Text Information*
Instruction pamphlet
Thank you card
Care instructions
Donation instructions
Option 1 : Sewn (intermediate)
Thread, needles, thimble
Metal strip (for nose placement)
String adjusters
Filter interlayer
Fabric stencil
Option 2: Sewn (beginner)
Fabric stencil
*Note: the implementation of the pamphlets, cards, and instructions are designed by you. If you have a creative way of including it into the kit, then go for it. Otherwise, it will be expected that they are printed/in paper
Box sizes
The toolkit box will be the shipping package itself
When deciding on a size, take into account delivery capability (in additions to what will go in it)
Look into what size boxes some of the shipping services sell (i.e. Canada Post, UPS, Puralator, etc)
Thank you Notes + Information/Instructions Booklet
Can be creative in how they are incorporated with the box (i.e. can be a part of the box, on the box, embedded, etc)
You have freedom in how they look, we will provide the text and information to include once chosen.
Budget + fabrication/material sourcing
Create a budget of how much it would cost to fabricate one box (get that breakdown from fabricating a total of 50 boxes together)
Would be beneficial to know the sourcing of materials used to fabricate the box
Use of repurposed materials (to look into)
Find a way to get materials that would otherwise have been disposed of
For example, using shoe boxes as the foundation for the packages, etc
Ability to reuse
Being able to use the box multiple times would be beneficial
Overall: Innovation and creativity
How the mask-making items and documents are incorporated in a visually pleasing, sustainably fabricated package that can be easily shipped as-is and reused for future mask-making toolkits
what you need to submit
11x17” Submission Booklet (PDF) showcasing the design of the:
Box (toolkit package designed to include the listed above)
Incorporation/design of the ‘thank you notes’ and ‘information/instruction booklet’ with the box.
Axonometric of design
Appropriate graphics to showcase :
Unassembled package
Assembled package
Steps to assemble the box
Any extra graphics/text to showcase your design
Budget + resources on how to fabricate
instructions: mask-making
Option 1: Sewn (intermediate)
Option 2: Sewn (beginner)
Option 3: No-Sew
hand wash cold only + can’t be donated